Thursday, July 9, 2015

Update!! Dr. Shu called this morning and updated me on the status of our little embryos. We have 7 that are "above average quality," 1 that is "average," and 3 that are "below average quality." He says this is a good thing! In the past, I have done so much research that usually ends up giving me anxiety and scares me, so with this, I am sort of just trusting what they tell me and taking each phone call's information as they come. Weird for me. I like to be in control. But, I think I have just finally gotten to a point where I realize that I am not in control, God is. And the doctors.

I need to take a picture with Dr. Shu next time I am in the doctor office so you can see who I am talking about. Y'all this man is so happy. He has the biggest smile on his face all the time and even when he calls me, I feel like he is smiling. He always asks how I'm feeling and then does a great job of explaining where we are in the process and what is next. I felt slightly bummed because since I didn't research this part of it very much, I just assumed that how ever many embryos they made were how many we would end up with. Duh! Obviously they don't all continue to thrive and grow and they wouldn't in the natural setting either. But, he assured me that we were still on a good path. He said that he wasn't discounting the below average ones right now, they may catch up with their growth. Saturday he will look at them again and call back with another update

I was laying in bed last night, trying to sleep. Y'all, I don't know if it is all the estrogen in my body, but something hasn't been right since my retrieval and colace is now a medication that has found it's home in our medicine bin. Sorry, TMI, but it is part of this whole thing. And lets be real... is anything TMI at this point? Anyways, I thought I was dying last night as the colace was finally kicking in. Waking me up from a dead sleep. I then laid there for 3 hours trying to go back to sleep and thinking about what I was going to write today along with the update. So if this is scattered, I apologize, I am going to blame it on being tired again. What I came to the conclusion of is that I would recap the way I have felt through taking the meds and where I am now

Recap of symptoms:
-tearful, one day. I prayed about this one for months. Kip is reallllllly busy with work right now. He has so much on his plate and I prayed that I wouldn't be an emotional wreck that would add more stress to him. Prayers answered, thank goodness!
-quick to snap, now that I'm temporarily done with meds. I guess everything is trying to get back to normal. I've tried to be mindful though of my temper. The other night we got back home from walking and our house was hot. I was so mad! I told Kip our house was "hot as sh**" and he just looked at me, raised an eyebrow and kept going. No need to fight over something that silly
-BLOATED. Seriously. I'm Mrs Michelin Man right now. I'm slow, I'm waddling, my clothes are tight and it almost feels like it's hard to breathe from all the extra air in me
-nauseated. At first. That birth control. Ugh. Not a fan of it, never have been and probably never will be

Those are really the only ones I can think of right now. Now that all of that is behind me, I think the thought process now is 1) find out how many embryos have healthy chromosomes, and then breathe a sigh of relief and 2) implantation!

Now, I just feel excited! I think my mom put it perfectly today. It is almost like planning a wedding. We have gotten to this point and now we all feel so excited, we just want to start planning for baby and buying things! I was telling her about THE MOST adorable tunic I saw yesterday for a little girl and that is when she made the analogy. My mother-in-law made a good analogy yesterday. When I talked to her on the phone, she said "there's my little hen" hahaha, so true! I am like a hen right now (or at least I have been the last few weeks) We are not going straight into implantation. Sometimes I wish we were because I'm already bloated, my hormone levels are already crazy and I'm excited. But, we are waiting. We figured if we are going to have the "luxury" of choosing, we may as well do it when it fits best into our schedules :) Okay, sorry that post was sort of all over the place! I am working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Depending on my how day goes Saturday, I may or may not post an update when I get home (13 hours of working sometimes leaves you coming home wanting to shower, eat and go to bed... to be able to get up and do it all over again) But I definitely will update by Monday, or on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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