Tuesday, July 5, 2016

IVF round 3, officially started! Injection #1, done! But I'll get to that.... first, I have to tell y'all about the weekend. We went to the beach for one last long weekend ;...( Kip has started his fellowship and so we are done with traveling for the summer. The beach was great! The whole family was there, including the dogs of course. Maybelline LOVES water and was so stinking cute in the ocean. Not only did she jump the waves this time, but she even swam for the first time! I wish I had a video of it but I left my phone on the bedside table ALL WEEKEND, and that my friends, was fabulous :)

Look at this beach babe!  

Now, as wonderful as our trip was.... let me tell you what was not wonderful. Meltdowns. From the kids you ask? NOPE! From me! LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE. I have noticed that my anxiety has been a little worse the last week or so and on Sunday, I felt like I was exploding. We got caught in the rain on the beach late Sunday afternoon and from there, I spiraled. From there, a situation a few situations that should not have been stressful at all, brought on full on crying spells for this girl. My lovely monthly visitor showed up that day as well and I don't know if it was all of the hormones or what, but I found myself in tears and even yelling at my poor sweet Maybelline in very unneeded ways. Looking back, not one thing warranted tears. But I dare you to have told me that on Sunday! The worst part? Acting like that in front of people (okay, family, but still!) When you are acting irrational it is bad enough; when you are acting irrational in front of people...awful! Everyone said they understood and they didn't care, but it is still SO EMBARRASSING! Anyways, we moved on past my tears and our fun weekend came to an end. We left super early Monday morning to get back home and get all of our weekly chores done and would still have time to relax before our work week started back up. Except, we got home to no power. No power means no chores [eyes rolling] Finally around 3pm, the lights came back on, we got our chores done and even had a mini cookout to celebrate July 4th! Needless to say, we were exhausted last night and Kip did a little sleep stalking of Maybelline and me.....

I mean, this girl can snuggle

Okay, so today.... baseline blood work and ultra-sound done....we are working with 16 follicles this time. Tonight we started taking the doxycycline [YUCK! my acid reflux is NOT A FAN of that med] and I started my injection....that's right people, no typo there.... only ONE injection!! And if that wasn't the bomb-dot-com..... it didn't even burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to mix both the menopur and gonal-f 
into ONE syringe and therefore only had ONE injection

I mean, HELLLLLLOOOOOOO....WHY DID I NOT GET TO DO THIS LAST TIME!!!???? That menopur burned like the DEVIL last time, and tonight, NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

And here is where I will pic overload of the ONE injection....

Sorry for the close up, hope nobody was grossed out. Also, please ignore my major need for a manicure, the hospital can be devastating to polish and quickly. Anyways, if you could please pray for low side effects, and by side effects, I mean my emotional state. I pray I can control my emotions over the next few weeks. And please, say a prayer for Kip too. Bless his heart. I pray that he can continue to be patient with me (and especially if I can't control my emotions) It is a stressful time for him with starting his fellowship and I don't want to add anything to that!

And now, I'm going to leave y'all with a mental picture because I wasn't able to get an actual one. This morning on my way to work, Kip was behind me with Maybelline (she was going to daycare) I looked in my rear view mirror at the stoplight and what I saw made my heart so happy. In my mirror, I saw my wonderful husband and this precious, sweet little head with these perky little ears sitting next to him, so excited to be going for a ride in the car. I literally can't stop smiling just writing this. I hope the image in your head is as cute as the one in mine

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