Monday, August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016 at 10:10am. I am walking through the hospital and my phone rings. And my heart stops, and then it begins to race. The phone that we have been waiting for was happening. Y'all, Dr. Y had to repeat himself I don't know how many times with this sentence right here: "We have 2 healthy ones, this is good news!" TWO!!!!!!!! NOT ONE, NOT ZERO, BUT TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I immediately had to go find Kip in the hospital and tell him in person. And let me tell you, I'm not sure I have ever received a tighter hug in my life than what my husband gave me today

This is a day we will not forget

This day, feel like we are floating on cloud 9. This day doesn't feel real! The news doesn't feel real! BUT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! So from here, I will have an ultrasound on Monday to check the blood flow to my uterus and to make sure the medications I am taking are doing their job and whether or not they need to be tweaked. From there, another ultrasound about a week later to determine when our transfer date will be. I haven't decided yet how much I will blog during that time. I have put everything out here in the open but I'm not sure what I will do in the following weeks to months. I will keep y'all posted on whether or not I take a little break

Now, these meds. Or should I say, this estrogen. OMG. I feel like I'm already pregnant. The last 2 nights I have just.cried. Out of nowhere! And I'm not talking about a few tears, I'm talking about constant tears streaming and not stopping. I have started to feel sick on my stomach at night and as of today, in the morning too. Like, I couldn't even drink coffee this morning. BUT it is ALL OKAY. It is all SO much easier when you know you are doing it for a good reason. We are not done with this journey yet. I still can't help but to be nervous that something else could happen. What if this isn't the only problem that has kept us from having a baby and we just don't know it yet?? But I am trying SO HARD to NOT think about it like that. Y'all, I might sound like a broken record, but I TRULY feel like it is all of your prayers that has kept us going and now given us the chance to have sweet babies of our own. I still haven't ruled out adoption down the road, but we will save that for another post some other time. I just want to say THANK YOU. Thank you to ALL of you and for everything everyone has done for us through these last 3 years. WE DID IT!!!!!!! But seriously, Kip and I are so beyond blessed to have you all in our lives and I wish we could do something for each and every one of you who have stuck by us through this all

By the way, here is the message that was on instagram today. So true!


  1. Jennifer HernandezAugust 1, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    I am so so so very happy for you and Kip. I will continue to pray that this all continues to go well. That you will finally receive the greatest gift God could give you. Love you Maddie B!!!

  2. I am so excited for you, Madison!! I am so thankful for answered prayers, for this reality, and this hope. Congratulations!
