Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ready, set, inject! Tentative date for IVF round 2 is August 14, 2015. We talked to Dr. J this morning and she said there is a medication that we used the last time (Lupron) that she wants to change and use a different one instead. Of course, that is the one that hurt the least! That's okay though. She said she doesn't think that it had anything to do with the chromosome accidents, but there IS SOME scientific data that suggests it could alter the chromosomes in some sort of way. She said that for a healthy, young couple, we are on the tail end of the bell curve and this is rare. Great. I hope none of you ever find yourself at the tail end of any bell curve

However. I feel good. I feel hopeful. I feel calm. Calm is not a word that is typically in my vocabulary when describing myself. I am usually the furthest thing from calm. High energy, over-thinker, anxious. Those are the words that are more often used to describe me. But hey, I'll take this calm feeling! I truly feel in my heart that we will be adopting. I mentioned that yesterday and wasn't sure that today I would feel the same way, but I do.

I feel excited. I feel like it is real. I feel like we are truly going to get a baby this time. Let the shopping begin!! Nah, I'll hold back. At least until we have actually found an agency, and a lawyer, and a social worker, and had a home visit, etc. Those are just a few of the things I have come across with the little bit of research I have started

Yesterday my heart broke. The Children's Home that is down the road from us has a produce stand that sells vegetables that the children have grown. Well, yesterday the kid that was working it waved to me from across the parking lot. I didn't wave back because I didn't think at first he was waving at me. But he did it again. So that time, I returned the wave. My aunt and uncle were with me and so we ventured over to check out what they had. Y'all. Best vegetables I've had all summer. I had the most delicious tomato sandwich for lunch today with a juicy, ripe german johnson tomato. On the side, a lemon cucumber. DELISH! [for those of you who don't live in the south, we are BIG fans of tomato sandwiches in the summer time] Sorry, I got distracted. Anyways, we started talking to the young man "Shawn" and he was telling us his story. Insert tears. But not in front of him. He said he lives at the home and he is about to age out so he will be going to live with his mom for 2 weeks and then his dad for 2 weeks, who is in Florida. Now, that doesn't sound that bad, I know. But, he lives at the home because the state didn't like his living conditions with his parents. You could tell by talking to him that he is a great kid. Not angry with the cards he has been dealt. In fact, he wants to go to school and ultimately get a job at the home to help the children there. My heart breaks for him. I hate that he has to go live in such bad conditions (whatever those conditions may be, but it has to be bad for the state to take him out of the home; that does not happen often) I pray that he is able to stay focused on his goal and able to get a job helping the kids. I told Kip last night, he is lucky that I didn't offer this kid to come sleep in our guest room. It took everything I had to hold back and not invite him into our home. That encounter sort of solidified the adoption feeling that I have been having. So we will see!

In good news, I finally have a closet in our house so I now must go and organize!

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